Bar handle onesideR8 handle strip
Art. No. 490030212
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
227.94 €
MSRP (incl. VAT)*
204.58 €
MSRP (incl. VAT)*
227.94 €
MSRP (incl. VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
226.04 €
MSRP (based on german VAT)*
Grip Rod R8
Strict geometric clarity is combined with roundings pleasant to the touch. The angle between two perpendicular straight lines is formed by the sector of a circle here. The size of this circle can be defined by its radius. Rectangular and square shapes with rounded corners result. In addition to being a classifying style element of the 1970s, this was already characteristic for the ground-breaking new design language of Braun company in the 1960s (cf. SK1 by Artur Braun and Fritz Eichler) and a consistent characteristic of form in the furniture drafts of Marcel Breuer. Today, it is symbolic for a number of design icons that have become the daily companions of an entire generation as Smartphones. The new forms are even clearer. They reduce selected, high-quality materials, play with design quotes and show new perfection.
Supplied with
1x handle bar oneside
SENSA System without glass bore
Hardware of the SENSA collection does not need any glass bores. The hardware is fastened to the un-drilled glass pane with gentle and secure clamps or by adhesion technology (gluing).
Attractively flexible and fascinatingly simple to install. You want to make your decision today and take the product home right away? It‘s no problem. If you pick a system with SENSA technology, you will not need to wait for the correctly drilled glass door. You will save time, money and you can be certain that it all fits just right. Nothing can go awry. Unusual sizes are no big deal for SENSA either, since the doors do not need any drilled holes. The SENSA attachment technique has never heard of permanent hardware positions. Everything can be adjusted to your room on site.